Tuesday 27 August 2013

Magnetic Levitating Globe

Even though nowadays there is Google Earth on our desktop that is much more useful and informative than a physical globe, some people still prefer keeping one or two globes at home, well, at least for decoration purposes. If you are one of those people, you should definitely get your hands on one of these cool levitating globes.

No, it's not attached to a string or anything, it's really as you see in the picture above, levitating in mid-air. The trick is electromagnet. Powered with a wall adapter, there is an electromagnet in the C shaped mount running continuously that keeps the globe afloat.

Setting up takes some time and practice though. The globe does not actually levitate as easy as you think. You need to actually hold the globe and try to balance it roughly around three centimetres below the ceiling of the mount. Releasing the globe too near the mount and it'll stick onto it immediately as shown above. Too far and the globe will just fall off. The trick is to "feel" the magnetic pull from the mount itself, and adjust the globe accordingly.

Do note that as the globe itself is a big chunk of magnet. This gadget should NEVER be placed near metallic objects and electronic devices.

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