Sunday 22 September 2013

Qi Wireless Charging Pad

It was said that Nikola Tesla had invented wireless electricity transmission more than 100 years ago. Conspiracy theories have been going around suspecting that it wasn't successful because he was threatened by the electricity companies whose business was at stake if wireless electricity could be tapped freely from anywhere. Today however, we have some progress. Although it's considered "wireless" electricity transmission, it's not as impressive as one would imagine it to be. 

It's basically a charging platform that requires you to connect to the electricity socket via USB cable. To charge your device, first of all the battery of the device itself has to be compatible with wireless charging. So far only a few devices in the market is compatible, e.g Nexus 4, Nexus 7 (2nd generation), Samsung Galaxy S4, Nokia Lumia 920. Secondly the device has to be placed on top of the charging pad, preferably without the casing if your device is in one.

The charging speed isn't as great as connecting directly to the USB port, but it was still acceptable. I won't say it's an amazing feature as of yet, but if you're someone who is sick of connecting cables into your devices all the time, this may be an alternate solution for you, and hopefully in the future more smartphones will be supporting wireless charging.

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